The most amazing tattoos of celebrities

Tattoos are a form of personal expression and celebrities are no exception. Many of them have chosen to reflect on their skin designs that represent them or have a special meaning for them.  Below, some of the most amazing tattoos of the famous and their curious stories. Angelina Jolie La...

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5 ways to acquire and retain more customers

The tattoo industry is a constantly growing and competitive industry. For tattoo studios, acquiring and retaining customers is essential to stay in business. There are several strategies that can be used to achieve this goal. Here are 4 effective ways to do so. Ask for Referrals It is really important and useful to ask for...

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History and origin of piercings

There are many theories about the history and origin of piercings. And it is that the perforation of the ears, mouth or nose to place ornaments is an ancient practice that has remained alive to this day. One of the stories and the one that comes closest to reality according to studies done...

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Pain map for tattoos

Have you been feeling the call of ink on your skin for a long time? You still can't decide if it hurts more or less to get a tattoo in one area or another because of everything you read in blogs, forums or social networks? We have prepared this article on the pain map for tattoos, to help you decide if it hurts more or...

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SIGUE TODAS LAS NOVEDADES DE BEPANTHOL® TATTOO Y NO TE PIERDAS NINGUNO DE SUS SORTEOS Durante décadas, Bepanthol® ha cuidado incontables tatuajes a lo largo y ancho del planeta. Tanto si es la primera o la décima vez que te tatúas, el cuidado posterior es clave. Esto es lo que va a a proteger tu…

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How to raise the value of your tattoos

Advantages of developing your own style The tattoo profession is a path of constant evolution. It is a progressive process in which you discover yourself as an artist. There is a lot to learn and everything you absorb from the experience of others will be essential to train you, but it won't be long before the time comes when you...

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