Did you just arrive? Welcome to Magazink, by Ink on Sky!
This is the place where you will be able to find inspiration, advices, curiosities, news and much more about the thrilling world of tattoos!
Y tú, do you want to learn everything about the world of tattoos? Join our community!
Ink on Sky is the world's largest tattoo community and a smart management software for tattoo studios and artists.
To know more you can click here and try our software for free. You will be able to keep track of your appointments and your database, generate consents, send reminders to your clients, generate tickets, upload photos, and much more...
Únete a nuestra familia Ink on Sky y podrás también compartir con artistas de todo el mundo. Organiza Guest Artists, intercambia experiencias y descubre nuevos estudios y artistas a nivel internacional.
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