Some of the best tattoos of Euro 2024

The Euro Cup tournament, in which the nations of the Old Continent compete, is an event that blends culture and sport. Despite historical rivalries and geographic tensions, it stirs passion and quickens the hearts of those who flock to the stadiums with more than just their voices. The essence of the...

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Inkterview Nery Eagle by Ink on Sky

Bienvenidos a Inkterviews, una nueva sección donde exploramos el fascinante mundo del arte corporal a través de los ojos y las manos de los tatuadores más destacados del momento. En nuestra primera entrega, nos sumergimos en la creatividad y la técnica de Nery Eagle, una artista cuyo trabajo no solo adorna la piel, sino que…

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The meaning behind getting a skull tattoo

Skull tattoos, traditionally associated with the macabre, have evolved to symbolize a wide range of deep and personal meanings. They represent mortality and serve as a constant reminder that life is fleeting and should be made the most of. This symbolism makes them a popular choice for those who wish to keep in mind the...

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Why get a tattoo of a snake?

Snake figures are among the most popular among tattoo lovers, as this animal is powerful and represents important values such as wisdom, courage and transformation. In Spain, the National Union of Professional Tattooists and Ringers (UNTAP) estimates that between 12% and 15% of the population...

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Meaning of a butterfly tattoo

If the world's tattoo artists had to list the designs they have drawn most often on the skin, butterflies would undoubtedly be one of them. This fascinating insect not only attracts for its beauty, but also for the depth of its symbolism. From celebrities such as Rosalia, Aitana, Harry Styles and Ariana Grande, to people...

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Ranking Ink on Sky mejores tatuadores de Costa Rica 2025

Mapa de los artistas registrados en la plataforma de Ink on Sky que utilizan la app Ink on Sky Pro (pruébala gratis) Hoy, tenemos el honor de presentarles un viaje por el arte grabado en la piel, un recorrido por los pinceles vivientes que embellecen la esencia humana en Costa Rica. Este no es un…

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Top 10 most fails and epic tattoos in history

Tattoos are a powerful form of self-expression, art and personal meaning. However, they don't always go as planned. Sometimes, design mistakes, communication failures or simple bad luck result in tattoos that become legends for the wrong reasons. In this article, we explore the 10 most epic tattoo fails....

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