Dentro del BAUMFest, se llevó a cabo la Barcelona Tattoo Expo, uno de los eventos con más tradición y relevancia en el ámbito del tatuaje a nivel global. Esta exposición no solo destaca por su trayectoria, sino también por su capacidad de reunir a artistas de renombre y apasionados del tatuaje de diversas partes del…
Dental Gems: Shine and Style for Your Smile in Barcelona, at DROP Tattoo
In the world of fashion and beauty, dental gems have emerged as a vibrant trend that is brightening smiles around the world. If you are looking to add a bright and unique touch to your smile in Barcelona, this cosmetic treatment may be just what you need. A dental gemstone is a small jewel...
Masters of Ink: Masterclass with Yomico Moreno
Next October 3rd, Barcelona will host a unique event for tattoo art lovers: the Color Realism Seminar with Yomico Moreno, one of the biggest tattoo stars worldwide. Organized by Masters of Ink, this full day seminar, with a duration of 8 hours, is aimed at...
6 vantagens de participar em convenções como tatuador
As convenções de tatuagem tornaram-se num dos eventos mais importantes da indústria da arte corporal. Estas feiras não só reúnem os melhores tatuadores do mundo, como também são um ponto de encontro entre artistas, fãs e empresas do sector. São pontos de contacto onde a arte é vivida e respirada no seu melhor, permitindo aos…
¿Te dejarías tatuarte por un robot?
Los tatuajes hechos por robots están comenzando a ganar terreno gracias a los avances en inteligencia artificial y robótica. Lo que parecía un concepto futurista hoy es una realidad, y uno de los ejemplos más llamativos es el proyecto «The Impossible Tattoo» de T-Mobile Netherlands. Este proyecto permitió a un tatuador realizar un diseño a…
Ranking Ink on Sky of the best tattoo artists in Ireland 2025
Map of artists registered on the Ink on Sky platform using the Ink on Sky Pro app (try it for free) Ireland is a country known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes. However, in recent years, it has also emerged as a hub for the art of tattooing. From Dublin to Cork,…
6 advantages of attending conventions as a tattoo artist
Tattoo conventions have become one of the most relevant events in the body art industry. These fairs not only bring together the best tattoo artists in the world, but they are also a meeting point between artists, fans and companies in the sector. They are points of contact where people live and...
Inkterview with Abel at the Only Convention Barcelona 2024
At the recent Tattoo Convention in Barcelona, we had the honor to talk with Abel, a well-known Spanish tattoo artist in the Spanish tattoo scene. During this exciting event, full of art and creativity, Abel told us how he found his way in the tattoo world, and his fascinating story that inspires us to continue exploring...
Inkterview to Cry Blood at the Only Tattoo Convention Barcelona 2024
The Only Tattoo Convention in Barcelona is always one of the most anticipated events of the year for tattoo art lovers. This year was no exception. The vibrant atmosphere, the clanking needles, the creativity in the air and the smell of fresh ink were the perfect backdrop for our interview...
Inkterview with Gerard Suñé at the Only Tattoo Convention Barcelona 2024
At the last Tattoo Convention in Barcelona, we had the pleasure of interviewing one of the most recognized tattoo artists of the Spanish scene: Gerard Suñé. Amidst the hustle and bustle and vibrant energy of the convention, Gerard shared with us his inspiring journey and how he came to become the tattoo artist he is....